MT4XAI Project Workshop

The ‘Machine Teaching for Explainable AI’ (MT4XAI) Project Workshop took place at Caixa Forum in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, during the days of 9th to 11th of January 2025. The workshop featured talks from invited speakers, as well as other short presentations, and discussion sessions. Around 20 participants attended the workshop, including project members from UiB, VRAIN, Equinor and Eviny.

Group photo in Caixa Forum building, Palma, Spain

Featured talks

The workshop was pleased to feature presentations by the following speakers.

Talks featured on Thursday January 9th:

Talks featured on Friday January 10th:

Full list of participants

“Machine Teaching for Explainable AI” is a joint project between the Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen, the Valencian Research Institute for AI (VRAIN) and industrial partners Equinor and Eviny. The project is financed by the Norwegian Research Council.